Energy & Utilities

Achieve Operational Excellence, Improve Reliability and Enhance Customer Experience through AI-based Solutions.

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The utility industry has evolved from a highly traditional, regulation-driven to a technology-driven industry. Today’s smart utility ecosystem generates huge amounts of data that is being analyzed to attain actionable insights.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is helping utilities to optimize supply-demand ratios, infrastructure management, and predictive maintenance. It is also helping in transforming the way customer services were traditionally handled in the industry.

Use Case

Predictive maintenance

Reduce downtime and increase asset life by analyzing the plant equipment data to identify anomaly conditions and failure patterns. Predict equipment failure and send alerts to maintenance way ahead of the actual breakdown. Insights on variables that need to be manipulated to extend the equipment lifecycle. Prescribe specific maintenance actions and generate maintenance schedules.

Decision support system for engineers for asset maintenance

Reduce asset breakdown by equipping Outage planners and field services team with intelligence powered by AI-Based recommendation engine. Powerful algorithms to analyze a variety of data such as outage reports, equipment & sensor data, technical, resource and scope lists, and operational checklists. Best practices recommendation for outage planning, scheduling maintenance, and procuring repair parts.

Personalized and Automated customer service

Segment customers using AI-based predictive analytics and launch target specific promotions, send energy-savings tips, forecast high bills before the bills are generated and deliver personalized alerts to customers. Automate customer service requests or complaints using chatbots on issues such as outages and bills.

Load Forecasting

Reduce operational costs, energy outages, and financial losses by accurately forecasting energy demand. AI-based load forecasting algorithms are based on key variables such as consumption data, weather data, seasonality. Intelligence to predict how much power must be generated to meet the power demand of the customers.

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