Case Study Post Type

Indonesian bank, using predictive analytics, optimizes cash distribution channel to reduce its costs incurred in transportation and borrowed money.
How we helped one of India’s largest NBFCs to reduce credit fraud on consumer durable loans and save $1.5 M every year
Life Insurer uses predictive analytics based customer retention strategy to boost persistency by 20% and revenue by 3M USD in a year.
Fintech firm uses customer persona and event based targeting to drive increased transaction volume on credit card base for Indian banks.
Data science enables world’s leader in Power Generation to discover insights into turbine outages and devise maintenance scheduling strategies.
Predictive analytics based cross sell marketing results in 100,000 USD of increased business for life insurer in 3 months.
How India’s leading housing finance company used AI in credit risk management— reducing the credit default rate by 66% in just 18 months
Chinese publisher creates personalized experience for web visitors by recommending relevant contextual articles.
How we helped an American Multinational Financial Services Firm completely automate their corporate customer acquisition engine
Big data analytics using unstructured data enables enriched customer profiling and personalized marketing campaigns.